Eat 3 Dates Daily and See How These 6 Amazing Things will Happen!

The first thing you'll notice is that dates have some great nutritional benefits. You don't need to take all those vitamins when you are eating three dates a day. 

They contain:
  • copper, 
  • potassium, 
  • fiber, 
  • manganese, 
  • vitamin B-6 and 
  • magnesium. 

Dates are free from cholesterol. It is antioxidants and contains low fat. Good for strengthening bones and muscles. Good source of calcium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, which is important for bones, teeth, muscles etc. Good source of soluble and insoluble fibers and it helps to improve digestion. 
A date is natural energy booster contains glucose, sucrose, and fructose which is one of the important benefits of eating dates. It is is a good source of potassium. It improves and regulates the nervous system.


Dates Improve Digestive Health: 

Dates are great foods for digestive health. If you have problems with IBS, constipation or any other digestive and GI problems, or know somebody who has, dates can help. Part of it is the fiber that they contain and they have been shown to reduce your risk of colon cancer and more. Dates are even recommended treatments for hemorrhoids. 

Dates as Pain Relievers & More: 

Containing so much magnesium, which is an anti-inflammatory, dates work in your favor relieving the pain and help to swell. Studies have shown that the magnesium in dates can help reduce arterial inflammation and that lowers your risk for heart disease as well as a host of other inflammation caused conditions like Alzheimer’s, arthritis and more. 

Dates for a Healthy Pregnancy: 

Recently, there has been a study done at UST tested how well dates can help with labor and delivery. The researchers tested 69 women and came to the conclusion that if the women ate dates during the last four weeks of their delivery that the labor and delivery were more favorable. Dates also help with weight loss after a pregnancy. 

Dates for High Blood Pressure & Stroke: 

The magnesium that is in dates is also helpful when it comes to lowering high blood pressure. So many people are on blood pressure medication in the United States, all the while this fruit might make those meds unnecessary. The potassium that is in dates is also helpful because it helps the heart work more smoothly and reduces blood pressure as well. In addition, there has actually been researched to determine whether or not dates had any impact on stroke risk. In fact, there have been no less than seven studies that prove that magnesium decreases your stroke risk by about 10% for every one hundred milligrams of magnesium you ingest on a daily basis. The research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and clearly shows that dates can lower stroke risk. Dates Make the Brain Work Better. There have also been studies done on the ingredients in dates and their relation to brain health and it has been shown that when you have enough vitamin B6 in your system, your brain actually works better. That means that you have more focus, more accurate memories and can access information faster. Dates help keep your mind sharp and ready to learn. 

Weight Loss Pitfalls: 

While increasing the amount of fruit you eat can help you slim down, it’s important to stay mindful of the quantity of food you are eating. It is possible to eat so much fruit that you hinder weight loss efforts, according to Dr. Melina Jampolis, a physician nutrition specialist for Jampolis suggests that you limit your fruit servings to three per day. Watching quantities is especially key for dried fruits like dates, which have smaller serving sizes and higher energy density levels. As a rule of thumb, a serving of fresh fruit should be about 1 cup, and a serving of dried dates should be about 1/4 cup.

Eat 3 Dates Daily and See How These 6 Amazing Things will Happen!

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